Home Ranges
Coyotes and foxes are territorial, meaning they establish a home range in which they live, hunt, and reproduce for their adult lifetime. This map will let you see where some of the home ranges of animals we've studied are located, and can highlight some of the differences between species home range sizes and preferences for where to establish territories. Click the map below to view mating season territories of animals we've studied so far.
Coyote Encounter Likelihood on Trails During the Pup-rearing Season
During the spring season when coyotes have pups, pedestrians and their pets are most likely to have confrontations with coyotes along trails during outdoor activities. Coyotes can become aggressive when defending their pups, which makes this a time of year when you're most likely to see one of these common but elusive urban carnivores. This map shows the areas of Minneapolis trails where we predict that pedestrians are most likely to encounter a coyote during the springtime based on our data analyses. By avoiding these areas, especially during the dawn and dusk hours, we can reduce the risk of negative interactions with coyotes. Click on the maps below to access trail maps for each of the following municipalities. Additional maps for St. Paul and other municipalities will be added in the future.
LCCMR Project Report
If you still want more information, check out our final report to our funders (the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources; LCCMR) below. This is an in-depth, 40-page summary of preliminary results gathered between November 2019 and May 2022.